Sonning Common

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Selected responses to the pre-build consultation - For the original see here.

CMDE 8 Para CMDE 8
Annex 2 Item
Para 5 Respondant 2
Sonning Common
Parish Council

"The proposals were supported by Sonning Common Parish Council and the local member, subject to the facility being adequately demarcated and ...."
"provided ... that it is well maintained to prevent encroachment from vegetation."

Para 11 notes that "The maintenance of the track will be the responsibility of the County Council.

What about the road markings? - They have mostly erroded - Oct 2022

Para 6 Respondant 1

"Thames Valley Police raised no objection, but noted that the facility was isolated from any other provision for cyclists, and commented that this might lead to cyclists using the adjacent footways."

Para 8 Respondant 8
Item 4

included suggestions;"... that consideration also be given to extending the provision for cyclists both northwards into the village centre, and also in the long term southwards towards Reading."

This falls within the scope of the Sonning Common Cyclway Team objectives

Para 9 Respondant 4.
Bullet ooint 4
"the proposed cycle track was not acceptable on the grounds of pinch points at two locations"
"Dept: of Transport recommend a minimum of 3 metres, at one pinch-point the width is 1.8 metres narrowing to 1.6 metres in Westleigh Drive."
Para 10 and 15

Respondant 9

Cycling UK

"The facilities for cycling, ..., are entirely inadequate. They inappropriate, incoherent, uncomfortable, bitty, full of ‘cyclists dismount’ signs, and in all are approaching no more than a tokenistic response to a demand to enable cycling to be a transport choice."

"the extensive use of ‘cyclist dismount’ signs – should be reviewed in accordance with national guidance on cycle infrastructure".



On-the-ground observations of a Cycleway Team member.
Experienced international leisure cyclist has first-hand experience of what works well and what is dangerous.

The current B481 shared cycleway between Westleigh Drive and Birdwood Court was probably well-intentioned, but it falls seriously short of accepted safe standards.

Diagrams, pictures and explanations to follow ~ This section is under construction.

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